The catastrofic flood in 1987 caused 57,300sqk submerged affecting millions in Bangladesh.

My granny told me stories of flood she experienced in her life. While describing the devastation, I can still remember, I saw her teary eyes. She mesmerized how fierce the wind force was, how her thatched hut fell down, how the goats washed away!! She had five pieces of rusty breads for the four family members from the relief fund. 

No food, no clean water, no medication! People stood up the whole night and the whole day in the water logged huts, and then, they slept for a couple of hours on the banana rafts. Flood in Bangladesh in 1987 was a complete horror. It was also the year I was also born in, and my granny and my mother told me later, how hard it was to keep me alive. 

I stole the photo to describe the memory.


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