In 1999, some people made a remarkable but horrible discovery near the summit of Volcán Llullaillaco in Argentina

In 1999, some people made a remarkable but horrible discovery near the summit of Volcán Llullaillaco in Argentina. It was the bodies of  three Inca children who had been the victims of a ritual sacrifice. They were found with gold and silver statues aswell as food in a shrine over 20,000 ft above sea level. Evidence from their bodies show they were consuming alcohol and coca leaves during their final years and the girl in the picture still had coca leaves in her mouth. One of the victims had strangely been stuck by lightning after death. They were so well preserved from the cold conditions that there was still traces of a lung infection in the pictured girls lungs and lice in the hair of another, 500 years after their deaths. These people back then, including the children, believed they were doing the right thing; it was seen has an honour to be sacrificed and children were seen as the purest of beings, which is why they were selected.


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